Si Se Puede, the UFW Eagle, and She Se Puede are registered trademarks of the UFW. The UFW actively promotes products that are produced under union contracts and working conditions for farm workers and allows companies that produce those goods to promote their endorsement by the UFW by using the UFW trademarks.
The UFW has a strict policy of allowing its marks to be used only in connection with goods or services that are completely in harmony with the UFW’s political and social values.
Applications to use the UFW’s trademark(s) can be downloaded here or submitted via the form below.
Si Se Puede
In May 1972, Cesar Chavez undertook a 24-day fast in Phoenix after Arizona enacted a grower-backed law making it impossible for farm workers to organize. Bedridden from fasting, Cesar, along with the United Farm Workers’ Dolores Huerta, were being briefed about Arizona politics by some Latino labor and political leaders who explained the industry was so powerful it couldn’t be beaten. They kept saying “No se puede!” “No se puede!” (“No, it can’t be done”). Dolores Huerta responded emphatically with “Sí, se puede!” (“Yes, it can be done!”). In fact, farm workers successfully organized with the UFW in many agricultural regions across the United States. The inspirational Si Se Puede! Mark is proudly displayed where the UFW and the Latino and Hispanic communities are active and wherever people anywhere stand up nonviolently for their rights. It is still chanted at UFW rallies and gatherings to this day. The Si Se Puede! Mark has become acclaimed nationally and internationally as a symbol of all that the UFW stands for.
The Black Eagle Mark
The UFW’s Black Eagle Mark also symbolizes the extensive goodwill and recognition built up by the UFW in the broader Latino and Hispanic communities. In 1962 Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, and others founded the National Farm Workers Association, later to become the United Farm Workers. That same year Richard Chavez designed the UFW Eagle. Cesar told the story of the birth of the eagle. Richard designed the flag, finally sketching it on a piece of brown wrapping paper. He squared off the wing edges so that the eagle would be easier for union members to draw and sew on handmade red flags that would offer courage to farm workers as their own powerful symbol. Cesar said, “A symbol is an important thing. That is why we chose an Aztec eagle. It gives pride…When people see it, they know it means dignity.” Since then, the UFW Eagle Mark has become a highly recognizable icon during union organizing, strikes, boycotts, legislative and political campaigns.
She Se Puede
She Se Puede is the derivative mark of Si Se Puede adopted by the UFW during the COVID-19 global pandemic and as the fight for social justice overtook the nation. While wildfires ravaged millions of acres across the West and citizens of the world faced the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States witnessed one of the largest social movements in history, Black Lives Matter, that highlighted the long road to equality our nation faces.
She Se Puede is adopted during this time to celebrate the vital contributions of the Latina community in forging social, economic, and political change in the United States. Latinx women face added challenges in the fight for social justice by combating violence, gender discrimination, underrepresentation, and economic discrimination while being undeniably essential to the farm worker and broader Latinx community.
For more information on the UFW’s trademarks, licensing, and infringement reporting, please visit the UFW’s FAQ page.
UFW TM Licensing
Please submit UFW TM licensing requests using the form below.
The United Farm Workers (UFW) has exclusive rights to Si Se Puede® and the UFW Eagle Marks. The UFW maintains its intellectual property in commerce and licensing for projects, events and publications in harmony with the work of the UFW. As the first successful and largest farm workers union, the UFW’s goal is to organize in major agricultural industries across the nation to improve working and living conditions for farm workers and create sustainable relationships with agricultural employers for a safe and just food supply for all. Si Se Puede® and the UFW Eagle have become unmistakably associated with the UFW and services sponsored, approved by, or affiliated with the UFW in its efforts to accomplish these goals.
If you wish to use one of the UFW’s Marks, please complete the below application as it applies to your project, event or publication. Where a question doesn’t apply to your project, please write “N/A.”
Feel free to send additional information including any brochures or other materials that will help us better understand your project. If you have any attachments to include with your licensing application, please send those attachments to
Should email be unavailable to you, a physical copy of the application may be sent to Martínez Aguilasocho Law, Inc., c/o UFW Trademark License Review, P.O. Box 1998, Bakersfield, CA 93303. We will respond to you in a reasonable amount of time, but if it is urgent, please feel free to call the office at 661-859-1174 after you’ve completed the application.